This INIT is in the public domain. Therefore I can not, and will not be held liable for any damages that this does. Not that I think it will do any damages, but better safe then sorry in todays world. Anyway…
This INIT upon startup will scan the boot drive for multiple system files and finders. If it finds any, it will put up a notification dialog box up if you are running system 7.0, else it beeps five times. Then what you would want to do is use the Find File DA, or menu command under 7.0 to check for the extra System Files and Finders.If you like this program or use it, please send me a note or postcard, or if you want, money ($1+) would be nice...
Technical Details:
Basically, the INIT and CUST code resources are the important things. The rest of the resources are all support for System 7.0, Balloon help and other stuff. The INIT first loads and scans the drive it was run off of (the boot drive in this case) for multiple system files and finders. If it finds extra, it will then check to see if you are running 7.0 and have the notification manager installed (normally part of 7.0). If you aren't running 7.0 it will beep at you, and then return to the calling program. If you are running 7.0, it will load the CUST resource and plug in current handles to the resources that I will need to remove later. These handles change of course from every run to the next, so we need to have the 'dymanic data' and we need to store that for later when the notification is given time. We then install the notification and exit. Later, when the notification is called (the completion routine) is called, and give time, in which case I just remove all my resources and CUST code handles. Then I exit. One thing that I'm looking to do, is put up a custom dialog box when the Completion routine gets time, and show the locations of the extra files.
The INIT install routine and drive scanning routines were written in Pascal, the CUST resource shell in C, and the guts in Assembly, all done with Think Pascal's languages. The greatest around.
If you would like the source code, please send a disk and $3 to the above address. If you would like me to supply the disk, please send your return address and $5.